Social Entrepreneurship: A Practical Introduction
Dr. Weaver’s first book entitled “Social Entrepreneurship: A Practical Introduction” is the go-to handbook for people seeking to combat societal issues like poverty, racism, climate change, hunger and more using entrepreneurial techniques. Dr. Weaver is currently on an international book tour.
Book Description
“We don't hire people to bake brownies, we bake brownies so we can hire people.” – Greyston Bakery
Around the world, a growing number of people believe that social problems are an opportunity for social transformation. Some take this belief and turn it into a business that combats problems plaguing their communities. These people are called social entrepreneurs. Some run nationally recognized companies like Seventh Generation in the United States that sell environmentally friendly personal care and household products. Others run small businesses like Blended Kitchen in Sheffield, England that offer job training and employment opportunities to marginalized people. “Social Entrepreneurship: A Practical Introduction” aims to inspire, educate, and motivate change makers to use social entrepreneurship as a tool for advancing positive social change in their communities. It equips readers with the tools needed to align their socially conscious goals to commercial revenue generating activity. It has a strong emphasis on fostering innovation and sustainable revenue generation in this ever-changing world.
A classroom Essential
“Social Entrepreneurship: A Practical Introduction” is designed for use in social entrepreneurship classrooms and training programs like her course “Pop-Up Social Enterprise,” which has students run social businesses on campus for 4 weeks during the semester. Watch the video of her class below.
Fan and Book Signing Photos